This is a drawing I started back on May 31, 2019, but didn’t finish until now. It was a 40 minute pose at the Friday night Open Studio at The Plastic Club in Philly, which is usually a post I’ll use to do a quick gesture study in charcoal or crayon. But, I was so intrigued by this pose, I wanted to work on it further, so I took a reference shot so that I can work on it at my home studio.
The other reason I wanted to continue working on it is because I felt I successfully drew the proportion of the head to the body. Almost without fail, as I’m blocking in a full figure drawing, I always have to go back to the head to adjust its size and shape. And, in many cases, even after the adjustments, something just doesn’t sit right with me when it comes to accurately representing the size of the head in proportion to the body.
I’m not sure why I had more success with the head on this drawing – perhaps because it was a quick pose and I didn’t have too much time to think about or dwell on it. Or perhaps, the practice is paying off. I tend to think it’s the former, because since this drawing, I’ve had not-as-successful attempts at drawing the head. I may be getting better at it, but I need to become more consistent.